Las Vegas Spousal Abuse Lawyer
Domestic Violence Attorney in Las Vegas, Nevada
Spousal abuse is a form of domestic violence which involves the maltreatment of a spouse or ex-spouse. This may be physical in nature, or may be sexual or emotional. Any form of spousal abuse may result in serious criminal charges and therefore harsh penalties under Nevada state law.
When the police are called to the scene of a Las Vegas or Henderson, Nevada spousal abuse complaint, they are required to make an arrest if they have reason to believe that maltreatment was occurring. Even if the alleged victim says that he or she does not want to press charges, law enforcement will still make an arrest. Additionally, the prosecution must press charges even if the victim takes back his or her original statement. The prosecuting attorney can only reduce or dismiss charges if he or she cannot prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.
Penalties for Spousal Abuse
A person accused of spousal abuse may face battery domestic violence charges, and a first offense is typically a misdemeanor. The penalties for misdemeanor battery domestic violence may include:
- 2 days to 6 months in county jail
- 48 hours to 120 hours of community service
- $200 to $1000 fine
Specific penalties will depend upon the particular circumstances of the case as well as the extent of abuse, and the jurisdiction.
Las Vegas Domestic Violence Lawyer
As an experienced spousal abuse defense attorney, I am able to effectively represent the interests of my clients even in the most serious and complex spousal abuse cases. I offer a free consultation to discuss your charges, and I represent clients throughout all of Clark County. Let me put my knowledge and experience to work in defending your rights so you can avoid the many negative repercussions of a Las Vegas spousal abuse conviction.

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See How We've Helped Other People
Case Dismissed 2nd DUI
Charges Reduced 2nd DUI
Case Dismissed Domestic Battery
Case Dismissed Domestic Battery
Reduced Charges Domestic Battery

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