Las Vegas Speeding Ticket Attorney
Have You Recently Received a Speeding Ticket in Las Vegas?
Everybody speeds. What most people fail to realize is that speeding is a criminal offense, and although it may not be as serious as DUI or racing on the highway, a speeding violation will still appear on your driving record and could result in license suspension and fines. If you have recently been issued a speeding ticket, it is in your best interest to fight your ticket, as opposed to just paying the fine and going to traffic school. By consulting a well-practiced Las Vegas speeding ticket lawyer, you can learn more about your legal rights, as well how you can challenge your ticket.
Get started on your free consultation - contact me.
How Many Points is a Speeding Ticket in Nevada?
Speeding is the act of driving a vehicle at a speed greater than the legal limit or faster than is reasonable and prudent under current conditions. Common reasons why people speed include getting to a destination quickly, being late, impatience, or just not paying attention to the speed limit.
In Nevada, drivers can accumulate points on their license for speeding and moving violations. These points are calculated based on the severity of the infraction and any other factors that may be involved.
Perhaps the most compelling reason to fight your ticket is to avoid having points assessed to your driving record. When too many points are accumulated in a short period of time, you could find yourself without a driver's license.
For speeding tickets, points will be assessed to your record based on the following:
- 1 to 10 mph over the posted speed limit: 1 point
- 11-20 mph over the posted speed limit: 2 points
- 21-30 mph over the posted speed limit: 3 points
- 31-40 mph over the posted speed limit: 4 points
- 41 mph or more over the posted speed limit: 5 points
Once you have accumulated 12 points within a 12 month period, your license will be suspended.If you receive 12 points in a year, your license will be suspended for 6 months. Keep in mind, demerit points will automatically disappear once the 12-month period has passed since receiving the first one.
Benefits of Hiring a Speeding Ticket Attorney in Las Vegas
One of the most common questions potential clients ask me is, "why should I hire an attorney? Isn't speeding a minor offense? Wouldn't cost less to just pay the court fine than to pay an attorney?"
While it may seem easier to just pay the fine, in doing so you are in essence admitting guilt. And even though speeding is a very minor offense, it can remain on your driving record and you could still lose your driver's license. As an experienced Las Vegas traffic ticket attorney, I know of effective ways to fight speeding tickets, as well as how to negotiate with traffic court judges to get speeding tickets dismissed. Why go to traffic school and pay a fine when an attorney may be able to help you avoid it? Furthermore, I charge a fair price for my services, and am not in the business of overcharging my clients by any means.
If you need help fighting your speeding ticket, please contact my office today for the experienced and driven legal counsel you deserve!

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